
Figure 5: Analyzer
\includegraphics[trim=0mm 0mm 0mm 0mm,clip,scale=0.5]{analizer.eps}

Analyser file The analyser is an executable file (in Windows it can be a .bat or .exe file, in Linux it can be a .sh or binary executable). It is in charge of evaluating one individual. It will be called several times by HPRMOP in order to evaluate one individual for a given set of design variables. Finally, it will write the file Eval.individual which contains the values of the objective functions for that individual.

Termination Criteria Stablishes the criteria to stop the optimization process. Function evaluation: the optimization process will stop when a given number of function evaluations is reached. It represents the number of individuals to be analysed during the optimization process.

Elapsed Time: the optimization process will stop when it has run during the specified period of time. Using this criteria you will know exactly when the optimization will finish, independently of the number of function evaluations or the value reached by the objective functions.

Pre-defined Value: the optimization process will stop when the objective function reaches a given value. This criteria might lead to an infinite optimization process. If you want to stop the optimization you can hit the stop button.

Termination Value: it is either the number of function evaluations (integer), the elapsed time in hours (real) or the pre-defined value (real)

Essential Files Essential files are files needed in the CPU working folder by the Analyser in order to run a case. For example: geometry files (when geometry is not optimized), data files not modified during optimization, etc. All essential files must be in the project folder, then HPRMOP will copy them to each of the CPU working folders.

Hector 2012-12-16