About Us

Ruben Otin
- Ph.D. in Physics - Polytechnic University of Catalonia
- M.Sc. in Physics - University of Zaragoza
From December 2002 to August 2014, I worked at the International Center for Numerical Methods in Engineering (CIMNE - www.cimne.com). My main activities during that period were the research and development of numerical techniques and tools to solve electromagnetic problems. I participated in European and national projects on electromagnetic compatibility, antenna design, specific absorption rate computations, electromagnetic forming, and fusion energy technologies. Currently, my research interests focus on the development of nuclear fusion energy and, in September 2014, I will start working at Culham Centre for Fusion Energy (CCFE - www.ccfe.ac.uk) to pursue this interest.
METALFORM: Research Group on Metal Deformation
The Service Technology Transfer CIMNE (CIMNE-TTS) - formed from the group of Metal Deformation CIMNE-is currently composed of a team of professionals specialized in technology transfer companies in the field of forming metal parts, casting and composite applications as well as their environmental impact and management of public funding for related projects.
The group carry out applied research in these subject areas and development of modules according to specific requirements research.The group maintains an important collaboration in R & D with universities and companies. They are some of the current issues of the following work:
- Studies of improvement and optimization of manufacturing processes of metal (steel, aluminum, etc.).
- Study of drawing processes with elastomers
- Development of forming processes of hybrid materials (metal-core composite - metal).
- Design and optimization of processes and inductors for electromagnetic forming
- Design of processes of incremental forming and for metal spinning rotary.
- Structural design of composite materials.
- Ad hoc design of composites.
- Development of graphic interfaces and plug-ins for various specific programs in CIMNE (DEMPACK, COMPACK, Ermes, RMOP).
- Requests for financing economic projects in various programs (ICW, INNPACTO, NUCLIS, etc..) Aid.
In addition, CIMNE through CIMNE-TTS, participates in the reference networks of Advanced Production Techniques(XaRTAP)